What are some side effects of sea moss?
Sea moss has become a common topic among health and fitness enthusiasts. People are always looking for a variety of foods that are capable of improving their nutrition, and sea moss has become one of those topics of interest.
The search for superfoods that can replace others can be beneficial for certain types of people who can’t consume a particular vegetable or fruit because of allergy reasons. Some of these enthusiasts are vegetarians and may be looking for ways to get more protein in their diet that doesn’t rely on eating meat.
Regardless of the reason, sea moss has become a popular topic with many calling it a superfood. While it is true that sea moss does contain tons of nutritional benefits to the users, most people are not aware of the potential side effects of consuming this sea vegetable. Like any other food you consume, marine vegetables have side effects that most people are not aware of. Sometimes the side effects can kick in either because the person is taking more than is necessary or the person's body may not be able to handle it.
Everyone's body reacts differently to various types of stimulants. Sea moss is no different and, being aware of the kind of side effects that occur from taking it will ensure you make an informed decision before adding it to your daily diet.
That is why, for this article, we shall be going over several sea moss side effects that can potentially crop up.
What’s a side effect?
Before we delve into sea moss side effects, I think it's crucial to understand what its side effects are. Side effects are problems that happen when treatment goes beyond the desired impact. Or an issue that occurs in addition to the desired therapeutic effect.
Other names you can expect them to be known as are adverse reactions or adverse effects. Supplements and herbal remedies can cause side effects, primarily if you do not utilize them as advised by the container or doctor.
Side effects can vary from person to person, but you can expect mild drowsiness or feel sick. Worst of all, it can become a life-threatening condition, but these tend to be rare. The risk of getting a side effect will vary from person to person. You should always read the information provided by the label and check with your doctor to see if any of these side effects can impact you.
Sea moss side effects
As fantastic as sea moss is, it does come with some side effects you should be aware of. Like anything else in life, there are drawbacks you should be aware of, mainly if your body is already predisposed to specific effects from other supplements. Let’s go over several side effects that can occur from taking sea moss.
Thyroid inflammation
One of the issues with sea moss is the amount of iodine it contains. Consuming a healthy amount of iodine will be beneficial for your overall health. However, if you don’t moderate the amount of sea moss you are adding to your smoothies or taking from capsules, it could lead to severe thyroid problems. The consumption of too much iodine can lead to thyroid disorders, so you need to be careful not to take too much of this nutrient.
The most common thyroid a person can get is Hashimoto's disease. This particular disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks the thyroid. The thyroid is a small gland that can be found at the base of your neck below Adam’s apple. Iodine is known as a micronutrient necessary forth the production of thyroid hormones.
Iodine can be usually found in salt that's specifically introduced to salt to combat iodine deficiency in most parts of the world. However, excess iodine consumption has garnered the attention of the medical world.
Intaking too much iodine can lead to hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis, especially for a susceptible group with recurring thyroid disease, like the elderly and fetuses.
If you are someone who has Hashimoto's, thyroiditis, or any other problem connected to hypothyroidism, speak with your doctor about limiting the amount of sea moss and iodine foods.
Iodine allergy
Iodine is not considered to be something that triggers an allergic reaction because it naturally occurs inside the human body and is required for you to have a functional thyroid. Although medication, concentrations, and solutions that contain iodine can lead to a person having an allergic reaction.
These reactions can be triggered by other substances that have blended with iodine. The response may or may not be an actual allergy to iodine, but some people have come to call it an iodine allergy.
Iodine is a common nutrient that is found inside the body and happens in some food sources, supplements, and medications. Some antiseptic solutions utilized for cleansing of the skin can cause a skin reaction for some individuals.
While terrible reactions to iodine, or any products with iodine, are rare but can be very fatal when it happens. Sea moss has tons of iodine in it, so if you are someone who has had disastrous effects from consuming or using something with iodine in it, then best to avoid this.
As mentioned before, sea moss should be eaten at a moderate amount due to several effects it can cause inside the body. Unfortunately, for most, diarrhea is one of these many side effects you can acquire from consuming too much sea moss. Diarrhea occurs when you’ve devoured something that can cause your stomach to be ill and requires it to be expelled from your body before damage occurs.
However, sea moss side effects of diarrhea happen because of the laxative properties it holds. Meaning you should lay off the sea moss until the illness has subsided and you have appropriately rehydrated yourself. Consuming excessive amounts of sea moss will lead to abdominal cramps and diarrhea eventually. This can be avoided if you managed to follow the recommended daily intake of sea moss.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure happens when the body's blood pressure increases to unhealthy levels. A person's blood pressure measurement will be taken into account with how much blood is circulating through their blood vessels, and the amount of resistance the blood meets as the heart is pumping.
High blood pressure is a common issue among older people, and it has been stated that nearly half of American adults will be diagnosed with this issue.
Sea moss side effects have an impact on a person's blood pressure. The marine vegetable is capable of lowering blood pressure if added to a person's daily diet.
You could consider this a good thing since it has benefits for adults who are diagnosed with this problem. Plus, it makes a great addition to any meal for those who are looking for ways to not spike their blood pressure with trashy food.
The real issue has to do with people who are already taking medication for high blood pressure. If you are someone who’s taking medication to deal with your blood pressure, it's best to stay away from consuming sea moss.
Low blood pressure introduces its own set of problems and can lead to dizziness, fainting, weakness, and risk of injury from falling. People who have severely lowered their blood pressure can deprive their body of enough oxygen to carry out its normal functions, causing damage to the brain and heart.
The sea moss side effects can be both beneficial and dangerous if not considering your health. Make sure to consult a doctor if you are already taking medication for your blood pressure but still wish to reap the benefits of sea moss.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you need to be careful when deciding on nutritional supplements. The type of nutrition a woman takes inside of her will have an overall impact on the fetus's growth development.
Some pregnant women may take a look at sea moss and wonder if it is an appropriate superfood for them to use while pregnant. The question of sea moss being beneficial has become a common one but can be hard to answer. It depends on the type of sea moss that is devoured and the elements found within it.
First of all, it comes down to the woman's body type and the groups of minerals and vitamins that are lacking. It’s well documented that an excess of nutrients, along with deficiency, can have terrible consequences on health.
Sea moss side effects could cause some parts of your body to improve but may increase the content of other elements. It’s possible for this to happen since the sea moss contains minerals that are not entirely lacking from the body.
It’s well known that the body of pregnant women requires tons of useful substances if the fetus can develop healthily.
However, there are plenty of foods and products that should not be consumed during pregnancy. As fantastic as sea moss is, it’s not something that’s been wholly studied, and it’s best to ask your doctor if it would benefit you during pregnancy.
Skin application
Sea moss has become known for having phenomenal abilities to help people with skin issues like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It’s been used in all sorts of lotions and shampoos to provide people with ways to take better care of their skin.
Even the gel variant of sea moss has been used as a beauty care treatment by applying it on the face. However, this can cause problems if you start applying it to open wounds and cuts from it. Some people's skin does not have the best reaction to sea moss, and it can lead to them experiencing an adverse reaction, such as skin rash or irritation.
Jaundice is a medical term that is used to describe a yellowish tinge that appears on a person's skin and the whites of the eye. It is also possible for a person's body fluids to have a yellow tinge to them as well. The color for the whites of eyes and skin will vary depending on the number of bilirubin.
Bilirubin is known as a waste material that can be discovered in the bloodstream. Having a moderate amount of bilirubin can lead to a yellow color, while high concentrated amounts will make it brown.
The reason we bring this up is that massive consumption of sea moss could potentially cause jaundice. Eating far too much overtime can cause bilirubin to start appearing in your blood. It will eventually cause you to begin developing a yellow coloration to the skin and whites in your eyes. Following the advised daily intake of sea moss will ensure this side effect doesn’t occur in your body.
At the end of the day, sea moss has more benefits than terrible side effects. That does not mean you should throw caution into the wind and consume sea moss. Like any other health-related decision in your life, it’s best to consult with a medical professional before making any changes to your daily diet. It’s especially true if you are someone who is undergoing medication or requires a specific diet due to medical reasons.
Furthermore, taking the instructions on the labels earnestly will ensure you don’t over the amount of sea moss you are allowing inside your body. It’s good to add it into your smoothie but don’t overdo the number of times you decide to include it in your drinks.
Another thing to keep in mind is that sea moss is not well researched among health nutritionists, so not much is known on how it can impact you in other ways. Whether it's negative or positive, it's always a good idea to err on the side of caution and double-check with your doctor to ensure it's something positive for you.
Sea moss comes with many benefits, but there are still many unknowns about it as well. Even so, many people have continued to jump on the sea moss trend, and it doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon.